Hi! My name is Kyle, and I am a Junior Developer, I started off my journey in a 1st line support role I wasn't satisfied and wanted to see what else I could do, ever since I was young I wanted to code However I was put off by people telling me I needed to be a maths wiz and growing up in a 3rd world country internet access was limited.

I moved to the UK and I got my break working at a company called John Smedley in Matlock, whilst working there I saw a lot of opportunity to try and automate some very outdated tasks so took to learning python, With this knowledge I was able to create a form using ms power apps, this then saved the data to a sharepoint table, then the data was exported using a powershell wrapper in python. I then further used my new-found Python skills to manipulate the data and generate reports that were emailed to interested parties on a schedule with cron (it was all run on a linux vm I set up)

My other interests outside of programming and IT are gaming and fishing, love getting out in nature on the weekends to do some fishing, seen as though we programmers tend to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day

icon for c sharp icon for powershell

Windows Info

Project 1

This was a work project, It was something that I had noticed was lacking and this is the project that started my coding journey. I had the task of updating all the PC's to Windows 10 from 7 but we did not have any asset management in place to view the PC's. So I taught myself python and made a program that would get all pc details and save them to a sqlite db, it had a console interface where I could run simple commands against the db like return all pc's on xp or find the pc with the logged in user, I also added a gui using tkinter later on down the line it had powershell scripts that I wrapped and ran in my python application, you can view the github here


Project 2

This was a learning project, to make a mock up of a online pizza stor. In this project I used asp.net razor and a sql server database


Project 3

This was another learning project using node.js, express and mongoDb click to view

Drum Kit

Project 4

This was another learning project created with html, css and javascript. You can use the keys to play a drum or click on the icons and a sound would play